Category: Quota Collection

There are 4 posts published under Quota Collection.

Inspiration – Quota Collection

Main goal of project “QUOTA” is the research of archetypal forms in furniture design, in order to create living spaces marked by great sophistication, originality and care of details.

ottomanne grande quota collection

Through a deep and careful research, all references to shapes, materials and atmospheres of most sophisticated and cultured classical world, have inspired a collection of upholstered ‘fusion’ pieces, in which memories are projected into contemporary and high demanding environments, characterizing every space with strong personality and originality.

Armchair SAVOYA ALTO quota collection

Care for materials, such as pure aniline antiqued leather or nabuk leather, along with sophisticated fabrics of contemporary taste, coordinated in the most innovative and evocative nuances, are ideal complementary to shapes and to meet the demand of all passionate for beauty and for pleasures of life.

Savoya Alto quota collection


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Tuscany – Quota Collection

Tuscany, our territory.
Very rich in history, art, culture, creativity and “ability to make”.

toscana collina

Its lifestyle is permeated with strong traditions and also a strong sense of belonging to Tuscan community.

palio siena campo siena palazzo

With a unique landscape with its typical colors and signs. With its quality of life and its ecosystem known and appreciated worldwide.

san gimignano

Unique source of inspiration for our work and to transfer good taste, elegance and balance to our products. In addition fantastic handicraft know-how and passion for details.

poltrona quota collection

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Vestizione quota collection

We love our work – Quota Collection

We love our work and we are really proud about sofas and armchairs we produce both for residential and hospitality market.

Our strong know-how and passion, our attention to detail, always separates, on a quality bases, our handcrafted products from mass-produced items.

quota collection lavorazione

Good design, art, care for every single detail, richness and naturalness of materials are typical of our sofas and adding a great value to your comfort.
Be part of our passion!

quota-savoya-03 Discover more about Quota Collection


Tuscany Handycraft Experience – our future together

From La Casa del Terzo Millennio project, the efforts of 12 brave companies and CNA Prato comes Tuscany Handicraft Experience:
a new and modern concept of products and handicraft.
A storehouse of ideas, comments, contributions and discussions, able to stimulate creativity and innovation capacity.

“Craftsmanship is innovation in progress.
Elegance is a virtue.
Every object has a past, and tells about a person, a tradition.
Build your future on our past.
From our hands, beauty in your homes.
We never changed our attention to quality, we changed the language we use to communicate.
The benefits to technology with the soundness of experience.
Our creativity, our success.
A new and innovative way of exporting our art around the world.
Our hands recount the beauty of our land.
Tuscany, our single source of inspiration.
Our future together.”

The beauty of our creations is designed based on our values, realized with our very own hands and exported thanks to our tenacity. Art, culture and architecture of our tradition guide us. This is our Tuscany. This is our mission.