Tag: briccole

There is just one post tagged as briccole.

The table Alpey and the Briccole of Venice

The Venice lagoon is dotted with large poles that, in groups of threes, indicate the waterways within which the depth of water is that it can be navigable at low tide.
These are the so-called Briccole.



Periodically, the Briccole are replaced due to wear or breakage. From the recovery of these poles you get an oak wood with unique characteristics, the nature it draws the grain through the shellfish that have left their mark their passage through the water that penetrates into the material and then evaporates. The prolonged contact with water gives a solid color and a unique and distinctive.


venezia+briccola - Copia

Is to Briccole that the designer Marco Pieri was inspired to drow the table Alpey, is wood obtained from Briccole we thought to make it happen.

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